Welcome @Yiducity: get your ePass for a Better O2O Lifestyle
YD LUXE is the Yiduciy area dedicated to Luxury & Lifestyle experiences. e-VISA @Yiducity allows to the Yiducity citizens to live a new O2O lifestyle dimension without barriers inside this exclusive Smart Sharing City digital based.Get your e-VISA@Yiducity to start!
YD LUXE @Yiducity is the exclusive luxury & Lifestyle network channel (e-Commerce & Shopping Cloud Platform) that handles commercial activities in digital manner among different countries, combining e-commerce and traditional channels distributions.
A Division of Shanghai Yiduqiao (Qiao Lab Group), since 2011 a Cross-Border distributor based in China in partnerships with major digital retailers and shops chains in China, Asia, Europe, USA, Middle East and South America.
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